Circuit Pastor of HungerZero. Pastor of Grace Mission, Japan Council of Evangelical Free Churches. Since 2001, he has been involved in bridge-building activities to "connect" people in Japan with those who are fighting against hunger and poverty in the world.
Having visited 30 countries including poverty-stricken areas (including Philippines, Bangladesh, Uganda, Bolivia) and reconstruction sites after ethnic conflicts (including Rwanda, Democratic Republic of Congo, Cambodia), he has given lectures at churches, schools, and companies nationwide on the situation of the local people he had witnessed in those countries, including Ukraine. The philosophy behind his activities is also utilized in such as online seminars showing significance of existence of local church in each neighborhood or on HR development, hoping that such "Vision of Community” will be helpful for missions in Japan as well. With the motto of "Start with me, and the world will change,"  his aim is to change the world by practicing a simple way of life and by reaching out one by one, with a mindset of "It is more blessed to give than to receive”.

田村 治郎

Jiro Tamura

HungerZero巡回牧師。日本福音自由教会協議会 グレース宣教会牧師2001年より、世界の飢餓と貧困と闘う人々と、日本の人々とを「つなぐ」活動に従事。現在まで、30か国の貧困地域(フィリピン、バングラデシュ、ウガンダ、ボリビア等)・民族紛争後の自立開発の現場(ルワンダ、コンゴ民主共和国、カンボジア等)を訪問。ウクライナなど紛争地に出向き、肌で受け止めた現地の人々の状況を全国の教会・学校・企業にて講演を実施。現地での活動理念である「VISION OF COMMUNITY」を、日本における宣教のヒントとして「この町に教会があってよかったセミナー」「人財育成セミナー」をオンラインで実施中。「私からはじめる、世界が変わる」をモットーにシンプルな生き方を実践、「受けるよりも与えるほうが幸い」と一人一人が手を差し伸べることで世界が変わることを目指す。