Born into a pastor’s family with twelve children at a Nazarene Church in Nagoya, I was raised in the grace of God. At the age of 14, when I was baptized, the Lord touched my heart and called me to pastoral ministry.

After graduating from the Faculty of Theology at Doshisha University, I completed my Master of Divinity at Asia-Pacific Nazarene Theological Seminary in Manila in 2008. Following that, I worked in the IT industry in Tokyo while also serving in pastoral ministry for seven years, during which I experienced God’s abundant grace. In 2019, I graduated from Japan Nazarene Theological Seminary, and for about 5 years, I had the privilege of serving in pastoral ministry at Nagoya Nazarene Church.

Unexpectedly, I went through the pain of divorce. In the midst of confronting my own sinfulness, I was once again shown the powerful light of the gospel. God blessed me with two precious children, and through them, I am reminded daily of His unwavering love. Furthermore, through the unexpected grace of my remarriage to Sarah, an American, I have deeply experienced God's mercy at work even in my weakness.

In 2024, by the Lord’s guidance, I was given the opportunity to participate in CTCJ’s intensive training program, and I am now serving at GraceCity Church. As I reflect on my journey, I realize that it was in the deepest pain that I came to understand the astonishing depth of the gospel. Having been comforted by the gospel and continually finding hope in it, I desire for as many people as possible to hear, rest in, and be richly transformed by the gospel.


後藤 献二

Kenji Goto


同志社大学神学部を卒業後、2008年にマニラのAsia-Pacific Nazarene Theological Seminary(M.Div)を修了。その後、東京ではIT業界で働きながら、7年間教会の牧会に関わり、主の恵みを体験しました。2019年にはJapan Nazarene Theological Seminaryを卒業し、約5年間、名古屋ナザレン教会を牧会する恵みをいただきました。


2024年、主の導きによってCTCJのインテンシブトレーニングに参加する機会が与えられ、現在はGraceCity Churchにおいて仕える恵みをいただいています。これまでの歩みを振り返るとき、特に深い痛みの中で、福音の驚くべき深さをより深く理解させられます。福音によって慰められ、希望を見出し続ける者として、一人でも多くの方々が福音に聴き、福音に憩い、福音によって豊かに変えられることを心から願っています。