Born in Takamatsu, Kagawa. Kumi met God while studying English in England and got baptized. After returning to Japan, she became a member of a local church planting team in Takamatsu, working as a worship leader and an English teacher for children. Since autumn 2018, she has been working as a worship leader at The Bridge Fellowship Tokyo. She got married in May 2021 and she is serving the church with her husband who also serves in the worship team. She joined Samurai Project from April 2021 and has finished two years of study and she graduated in March 2023. Her desire is to be a bridge, especially for Japanese people, to meet God through worship songs and God’s Word.
小川 紅美
Kumi Ogawa
香川県高松市出身。イギリスでの語学留学中に神さまと出会い、受洗。帰国後、高松での教会開拓のチームの一員となり、賛美リーダー、子ども英語講師として働く。2018年秋より、東京のThe Bridge Fellowshipにて賛美リーダーとして現在も従事。2021年5月に結婚し、同じく賛美チームで奉仕している夫と共に教会に仕えている。2021年4月よりサムライプロジェクトに参加。2年間の学びを終え、2023年3月卒業。賛美やみことばを通して、特に日本人が神さまと出会うための架け橋となることを願っている。