Gary Watanabe
Consultant Advisor
Gary and his wife, Lois, first got involved in church planting as part of a core team in Hawaii in 1980. Soon after that they were called to urban, cross-cultural church planting with the foreign missions arm of the Presbyterian Church in America, Mission to the World.
He and his family have been involved in church planting, training, mentoring and coaching in Mexico City & Monterrey, Mexico, and Manila, Philippines before joining City to City in 2007. Gary's current role is to assist in training, coaching, and networking with church planters in global cities of the Asia Pacific region in general, and the mega-regional cities of Japan in particular: Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka (including Kobe & Kyoto). And one strategic means of doing so is as coordinator of the Joy of Japan Center for Church Planting and Development in Nagoya.
Gary and his wife, Lois have been blessed with 3 grown children and their families (5 grandchildren).
ワタナベ一家は、2007年にCity to Cityに参加するまで、メキシコのメキシコシティとモンテレー、フィリピンのマニラでの教会開拓、トレーニング、メンタリング、そしてコーチングに携わる。ギャリーは現在、アジア太平洋地域全体のグローバル都市、そして特に日本の大都市の教会開拓:東京、名古屋、大阪(神戸と京都を含む)において、教会開拓者をトレーニング、コーチング、ネットーワークづくりに関わり、教会開拓者を支えている。