Jevon Gasali
Director of Communications
Jevon Gasali graduated from law school in 2015 and seminary in 2018. He has ministry experiences in 3 cities in Asia (Jakarta, Singapore, & Taipei) and a short-term exposure to missions in Myanmar, Kenya, & Japan. After he did his vision trip to Japan in 2019 and the pandemic hit, Jevon had to move back to Indonesia and discern the direction God is leading him to.
Jevon’s participation in CTC Asia Pacific (CTCAP) training since 2017 then led him to be trusted as the Network Manager of CTC Indonesia. In late 2023, he transitioned to a new role in CTCAP to help strengthen their social media presence and started serving as the Communications Director for CTC Japan.
Jevon is passionate about bringing gospel clarity to the postmodern generation. He is the founder of "Millennial Christian" on Instagram and the author of “Gospel Immersion”, as well as "Lola Loves Ice Cream: A Little Bit Too Much" – a book that teaches children about the idolatry of the heart. You can find his ministry on Instagram @mln.christian.
ジェボンの関心と情熱はポストモダン世代に福音を明確に伝えること。インスタグラムの「Millennial Christian」の創設し、「Gospel Immersion」、子供向けの「Lola Loves Ice Cream」の著者でもある。インスタグラムアカウントは@mln.christian。