2019年11月、シティトゥシティアジア太平洋主催のリーダーカンファレンスで伝道ネットワーク(The Evangelism Network:略称はTEN)のクレイグ・エリス氏は次の三つの点を考慮した効果的伝道について話をされました。
1江崎マーシャ(BS Purdue大学;M.Ed TCNJ大学)、共著でサイモン・シュースター社から6冊の料理本を出版、1993年日本に来るまで新聞や雑誌に料理に関する多くの記事を執筆した。22年間妻として牧会者の夫(公二)を支えつつ、名古屋国際学園で10年間保健の教師、ヘルスオフィスのマネージャーとして勤める。2015年、夫と大阪に移動。現在はマスタードシードクリスチャン教会大阪の宣教に協力している。二人の娘と孫が一人。
Craig Ellis, of The Evangelism Network (TEN), gave a presentation on effective evangelism to CitytoCity Asia Pacific, in November 2019 claiming that effective evangelism includes three characteristics:
The message is appropriate to the context of the hearer, both in content and in form
It is faithful and persistent over time
It is rooted in prayer and dependent upon the Holy Spirit
That was before social distancing, but the characteristics don’t change. It just means that we are looking for new ways to keep up a faithful and persistent presence with our non-believing friends, but mostly online. We have seen how online sermons have drawn non-believers into Zoom discussion groups and introduced them to church life. Craig described a text message that he had used that could be very effective for us in these Covid19 times.
He was taking a class and he had an assignment that challenged him to ask one person a set of five questions. He inadvertently forgot about the assignment and with the due date just days away he ended up sending the set of questions to many more people, just hoping to get one response. He was pleasantly surprised at how many answered. Here is what they received from him.
Text Message:
I'm taking a class and I have an assignment to interview someone who doesn't share my beliefs and then just listen. The point is that the church tends to be much better at talking than listening. I am supposed to ask someone the following questions about faith and religion, record the answers, and then share them (anonymously) with the class:
What do you think is the biggest problem facing the world and what can be done?
Do you think it is possible to know if there is a God? Why or why not?
How do you determine whether an action is right or wrong?
What if anything, do you find most attractive or compelling about Christianity?
What are your biggest objections to—or what is most implausible about Christianity?
I may ask follow-up questions for clarification but the purpose is just to listen to people and hear what they think. Essentially, it will help me learn whether I am as good a listener as I thought I was.
“Contact your non-Christian friends and ask them these five questions. I think you will be surprised at what you learn.”
Back in November during the CitytoCity Asia Pacific seminar, I decided to send the same text message to four of my non-Christian friends in Japan: Three foreign residents, who had lived in Japan for over 20 years, and one Japanese.
I sent the message right after I listened to Craig’s presentation. I considered it an assignment from him and I gave them two days to answer before the end of the seminar. The three foreign friends responded promptly, and one of them also had a friend visiting from the UK and she wanted to participate too. My Japanese friend said that she didn’t have enough time to think and respond within the two days, but after sending out four queries, I had four sets of answers.
I was thrilled to get any answers because they gave me insight into my friends’ thinking and a platform for later discussions.
Question 4 produced a long list of attractive or compelling qualities about Christianity. They were:
Beauty of the architecture (cathedrals and churches)
Awareness of history
Sense of peace
Social bonds in local communities
Christians are generally happier
Christians are less scared of death
The emphasis on loving your neighbor and taking care of others
The emphasis on forgiveness
It reminded me that our lives speak to people in ways we can’t often see, and the historical record of Christianity is mostly positive.
Comparing the number of answers to Question 4 “What is attractive about Christianity” (above) to the answers to Question 5 “What are your objections to Christianity?” (below), there were far less objections than I would have expected.
Praying to God before war
Fundamental Christianity, but the writer wrote “I don’t know the Bible well”
Elevation of men over women
Elevation of Christianity over other religions
Literal translation of the Bible in the Old Testament, especially creation
I encouraged my husband to send the same e-mail to his non-believing Japanese friends. He was a little hesitant, but translated the questions and sent an e-mail to five people: Men and women, ranging in age from 30 to 70. Although it was a more direct approach than is comfortable among Japanese, the idea of having an assignment is something that everyone understands.
Four out of five people answered him. Only one person declined, saying that the information was too private too discuss. Needless to say this refusal was a little hard to take and Koji felt he might have offended his friend, but I’ll get to that later.
Again the answers to Question 4 outnumbered those in Question 5.
5. “What are your biggest objections to Christianity?”
Stories coming from King David’s line don’t really affect me. The kojiki talks about many myths that look like the Old Testament. I should really know more about the historicity of the Japanese spirit
Many people have lost their lives through religious wars like the Crusades and Ireland
Quite many people in the Meiji Period were Christians, and I am interested in how they lived within Christianity
4. “What do you find attractive or compelling about Christianity?”
I can obtain peace of mind when I hear Jesus’ teachings.
The Psalms are beautiful and I enjoy learning and studying the Bible
There is strength among believers, like Mother Theresa, to positively reach out to others.
Over 2,000 years and yet many different cultures and countries have kept this belief—Amazing!
The teachings of Christ have universal significance.
Christians try to help many people.
Christianity supports many people’s hearts.
You may wonder why there seems to be some knowledge of Christ’s teachings among this group of non-believing Japanese.
Two of the four that answered had been attending a monthly Bible study in our home for the last three years. They attended along with five of us who were believers. We were a group in our 50’s through 70’s, including a professor emeritus, small business CEO, school administrator, medical doctor, and those of us in full time ministry.
In three years, Koji and I had no clear idea of where the three non-believers stood in their faith. By the end of 2019, we were wondering if the group should even continue considering that the members had to come to downtown Osaka, once a month, from as far away as Kobe, Tokyo and Nagano.
The answers by two of the members to “Do you think it is possible to know God?” were mostly negative: “We can’t know that God exists,” and “I don’t think we can.” Add to that that, the third non-believer in our Bible study was the one who didn’t want to answer at all, due to privacy concerns. We were thinking that this three-year study was about to come to a discouraging end.
That is until our entire Bible Study members received a text message from the one person who had declined to answer the questionnaire. Something about reaching out to him in writing had spurred him to also put his thoughts in writing. He said:
This past year was again a hard year, however because of all of you I have some kind of sense that I have already been saved. That sense has penetrated a little bit into my heart. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
We were thankful that we had tried a completely new method of outreach. It encouraged us and made us more hopeful about the many ways that the Internet will allow us to engage our non-Christian friends.
I would give you this same assignment just the way Craig Ellis gave it to us: Contact your non-Christian friends and ask them these five questions. I think you will be surprised at what you learn.
About the Author
Marcia Esaki (BS Purdue; M.Ed TCNJ) co-authored six cookbooks for Simon & Schuster, and authored many newspaper and magazine articles prior to moving to Japan in 1993. While working alongside her pastor husband for 22 years, she was Health Educator and Health Office Manager at Nagoya International School for ten. In 2015, she and Koji moved to Osaka and cooperate with ministry at Mustard Seed Christian Church Osaka. They have two daughters and a grandchild.