




 「Outliers: The Story of Success」 (「天才!成功する人々の法則」)の著者、マルコム・グラッドウェルは、ペンシルベニア州ロゼートという小さな町を紹介しています。住民はほぼ全員がイタリアのロゼート・ヴァルフォルトーレという小さな町からの移民でした。驚いたことに、喫煙や飲酒といった不健全な習慣があったにも関わらず、この町では心臓病の発生率がたいへん低く、近隣の町よりもはるかに健康度が高かったのです。広範囲にわたって行われた医学的、社会学的研究の結果、住民の健康の秘密は、遺伝学や健康習慣ではありませんでした。むしろ、彼らのコミュニティーに起因していたと見られるのです。ロゼートの住民は、拡大家族のように親密なコミュニティーで暮らし、信頼と安心を経験していました。同じように、教会は人々に身体的健康だけでなく、霊的、精神的健康の援助ができるのではないでしょうか。




 神が私たちのコミュニティーに招き入れようと私たちの周りに置いてくださっている人は誰でしょうか? 誰が孤立しているでしょうか? 疎外されているでしょうか? 孤独感を感じているでしょうか? 助けを必要としているでしょうか? その人たちが私たちにとって、そして神にとって大切な存在であることを示すために、私たちには何ができるでしょうか? 



Care for Your Neighbor:

Confronting the Insidious Effects of Pandemic as a Community of Love 

2,153. That’s the number of individuals who took their own lives in Japan in October, 2020. The number of deaths by suicide in a single month rose higher than the total number of deaths by Covid-19 by the end of October in Japan. The rate of suicides had been declining in the recent years in Japan, but the months leading up to October saw an increase in number. While the reasons for suicides may be complex, you don’t have to be an expert to surmise that Covid-19 and all the negative effects on the world it brought may have had something to do with the surge in suicides. Even after vaccines for coronavirus are widely made available, I suspect we might be dealing with the insidious effects of this pandemic for a while. What does God call us, the church, to be in this broken world?

In his book, Outliers: The Story of Success, Malcolm Gladwell tells the remarkable story of Roseto, a small town in Pennsylvania whose residents were entirely made up of immigrants from Roseto Valfortore in Italy. The doctors were surprised to find out that the residents of Roseto had an unusually low rate of heart disease and were much healthier than the neighboring towns despite their seemingly careless diet and health habits like smoking and drinking. After extensive medical and social studies of Roseto, the researchers concluded that the secret to their health was not in genetics or health habits, but in their community. The people of Roseta lived in a close-knit community as an extended family and experienced a sense of trust and security, and they always knew who they could turn to for help and support. Roseta may give us a picture of the kind of effects that the church could have on people, not only on their physical well-being, but also spiritual. 

As people made in the image of the triune God, who is a community in himself, every human being is made for community and hard-wired to find fulfilment in meaningful relationships, ultimately in a relationship with God. The problem is that our experience of human community, whether it’s family or school or company, is sometimes painful because the relationships in these communities are far from ideal and often disappointing. Unable to find solace and support from meaningful connections with others in their community in the lowest moments of life, some people succumb to despair and decide to take their own life. Could it be that those who are suffering and even contemplating suicide can have a different story if they are welcomed into a community where they can experience love and hope? Anxiety and isolation may lead to despair that kills, but a community of love can offer hope that saves. Isn’t this what God calls the church to be – a community of God’s children who love one another as family and display and communicate God’s love and the message of hope to those around them? 

Jesus commanded his disciples to love one another just as he loved them (i.e. by laying down his life for them). When the church is characterized by this cruciform love, it becomes the light of the world, a city on a hill that cannot be hidden, and a community that displays the coming kingdom and the character of its king. Of course, even in this community the relationships can sometimes be less than ideal. But as the gospel does its work and the church experiences the transforming effects of Jesus’ love, we can truly and increasingly love one another by the power of the Spirit in such a way that draws others in to find love and hope they ultimately need. 

Who has God placed around us whom he wants to draw into our community? Who are the isolated? The marginalized? The lonely? The vulnerable? What can we do to show them that they matter to us and to God? Oftentimes it only takes a small act of kindness for someone to feel cared for and connected. Earlier in 2020, when we were mostly confined to our home without seeing people for a few weeks due to the spread of Covid-19, one of the members of our church left a loaf of bread outside our door and texted us later to let us know. Her kindness tangibly reminded us that we were not alone, that we belong to a family, and we felt cared for. What can we do practically to communicate our care for people around us so they feel a meaningful connection and tangibly experience God’s love? 

The gospel compels us to enter others’ lives, even their brokenness and struggles, just like Jesus came into our messy and broken world to show us that God is with us and that he loves us. The gospel also makes us bold people, willing to risk our own security and comfort for the sake of others, knowing that Jesus died and rose again to give us hope beyond this earthly life, and that to lose our life is to find it. Empowered by the love God has shown us in Jesus, let’s seek to become a community that is increasingly marked by love. Let’s go out into our community to love and care for our neighbor so we can be a part of the Lord’s work as he builds his church. 
