リディーマー六本木のビジョン:生き生きとした多様な交わり - 私たちは、イエス・キリストの福音を聞き、生きる力を与えるコミュニティで分かち合い、福音によって東京を刷新し、諸国の人々に宣教して神の栄光を表わすために集まります。主題聖句「(略)あなたは(中略)、すべての部族、言語、民族、国民の中から、(中略)人々を神のために贖い、私たちの神のために、彼らを王国とし、祭司とされました。彼らは地を治めるのです。」(新改訳2017)ヨハネの黙示録5章9〜10節
「4 主のもとに来なさい。主は、人には捨てられたが 神には選ばれた、尊い生ける石です。 5 あなたがた自身も生ける石として 霊の家に築き上げられ、神に喜ばれる霊のいけにえを イエス・キリストを通して献げる、聖なる祭司となります。 6 聖書にこう書いてあるからです。 『見よ、わたしはシオンに、選ばれた石、尊い要石を据える。 この方に信頼する者は決して失望させられることがない。』」
「私は福音を恥としません。福音は、ユダヤ人をはじめギリシア人にも、 信じるすべての人に救いをもたらす神の力です。」ローマ1:16
Church Planting, God’s Timing and Holy Disruptions
Redeemer Church of Roppongi is a new church plant in the downtown district of Tokyo known as Roppongi. The church is being planted in partnership with Redeemer City to City Asia Pacific and City to City Japan. Roppongi is a district in the Minato ward of Tokyo that is quite popular for international nightlife. Roppongi and its surrounding neighborhoods of Azabu Juban, Hiroo, Akasaka and Minami Aoyama are home to many embassies, international companies and foreign residents. It is perhaps the most diverse district in all of Tokyo in terms of nationality.
The redevelopment projects of Roppongi Hills and Tokyo Midtown, which opened in 2003 and 2007 respectively, have given the district an even wider appeal with high-end retail, residential and office space. Roppongi literally means “six trees” in Japanese. Six Japanese elm trees (keyaki) marked the area for many years. Sometime around 1890, the Third Imperial Guard of the Imperial Japanese Army was moved to a site near Roppongi and the area grew into a nightlife district. The area was flattened in 1923 by the Great Kanto earthquake. Then, it was destroyed again in WWII by aerial bombing. After the war the US Army and Allied forces occupied several facilities in the area. Nightlife continued to thrive in this period and later the area became a center for the disco scene in the 1960s.
Envisioned for over a decade now by MTW Japan Director and church planting pioneer Rev. Dan Iverson and other leaders, the new church plant is focused on reaching the international crossroads of Roppongi where Japanese, US-based and other international companies intersect in proximity to nearly 70 embassies including the US Embassy mission and housing compound. Roppongi is a global crossroads where investment bankers, diplomats, business people, artists, celebrities and party-goers from many cultures cross paths!
My family and I first lived in Japan from 1998-2006 when my wife and I served as Presbyterian missionaries in partnership with the United Church of Christ in Japan (Nihon Kirisuto Kyodan) to develop a national youth ministry program throughout the largest Protestant denomination in Japan. My wife has childhood roots in Japan when she attended Japanese grade school for two years in the early 1980s while her father was stationed as a U.S. Naval officer at Yokosuka Naval Base. We returned to the US for eight years in 2006 to minster in LA and North Carolina. In 2014, God called us back to Japan to work on a missionary film project about two yakuza gangsters who gave their life to Christ. The film project never materialized but it brought us back to Japan where I met Roger Lowther, Dan Iverson, Fukuda sensei, Jay Kyle and others involved in church-planting in Tokyo. God had a plan!
I completed the Redeemer C2C Asia/Pacific church planting intensive in 2015 that was held the entire month of July in Tokyo, Hong Kong and Singapore! My wife and I will never forget that long and grueling month of training when I was away from home for over three weeks! During this time God began to birth in my heart a vision for Redeemer Church of Roppongi in the diverse, global crossroads of Minato ward. I completed an internship at Grace City Church from 2015-16 and during this time from September 2015-November, 2016, we led almost monthly prayer walks in Roppongi and surrounding neighborhoods with both Japanese and foreigners interested in the new plant.
Our vision at Redeemer Roppongi: A vibrant and diverse fellowship – we gather to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ, share in life-giving community, renew Tokyo through the Gospel and reach the nations to the Glory of God. Our key verse: “…you ransomed people for God from every tribe and language and people and nation, and you have made them a kingdom and priests to our God, and they shall reign on the earth.” Revelation 5:9-10
Honestly, Roppongi is not an easy place to plant a church! It is VERY expensive in the midst of urban density with many distractions – good and bad! Therefore, from the beginning, we sensed prayer was essential to build a lasting foundation for this new church. We also sensed it would be a slow build from the start. After the initial 14 months of prayer, in February, 2017, our core group suddenly emerged at a couple’s home in the US Embassy housing compound. Since that time our Wednesday night Bible study has not stopped in three years and has naturally developed into our core group.
We are a diverse, multicultural, bilingual and international church. In many ways, our identity is what you might call “third-culture” in which our community is a bridge between Japanese, long-time foreigners living in Japan and expats. Our ranks have included young Japanese entrepreneurs, US diplomats, long-term and short-term embassy staff, employees of Google Japan, tech start-ups, Reuters, digital media firms and large corporations. Japanese who have lived overseas and desire a more international setting to study the Gospel and worship Jesus frequently join our fellowship. Through our multicultural gathering, we seek to be a Gospel-centered community reaching Japanese and other nationalities for Christ.
In 2017, we held four bilingual preview worship services on major holidays. In 2018 and 2019, we moved to worshipping twice a month at a nearby rental space in Minami Aoyama taking our time toward a weekly launch. In 2020, we finally planned to launch our services weekly on Easter Sunday, April 12th. Then, Tokyo suddenly went into lock-down in late March due to the global corona virus pandemic. A little depressing at first, we began our Zoom worship meetings on April 5th and our launched seemed to lose momentum.
Yet, the opposite happened! With the disruption of the lock-down, our fellowship suddenly became a virtual house church. And new Japanese and foreign folks joined us looking for a church home in the midst of this chaotic time. In this way we experienced what I would call a “holy disruption.” After the opening worship and preaching, we have a time of sharing and feedback on the message and then move into sharing prayer needs either as a large group or in Zoom break-out rooms. In just a couple of weeks, we moved from worrying about how many people would show up for our weekly launch on Easter Sunday to being revitalized as a core group with new members.
Many of our folks are coping with tele-work stress, job security and loneliness in this difficult season. As we log-on for Wednesday night Community Group and Sunday afternoon worship, we discover again and again that our true hope and peace is Jesus Christ. People have expressed real gratitude for the services and being part of a close-knit church family when there is so much loneliness and despair. Ultimately, it has been a refreshing “holy disruption” to have this online format for deeper worship and discipleship rather than worrying too much about all the normal church planting jazz like rental space and numbers! We have been able to refocus on the Gospel and how to apply it to our lives. We have been able to get to know each other more fully and welcome new people into our fellowship. Experiencing the Gospel truth of “Christ in you, the hope of glory” (Colossians 1:27) has become our focus not numbers and programs! That should always be the point of church planting, right? :)
As a church planter who has worked and labored many months toward a weekly public launch, the lock-down was painful but ultimately a good disruption to refocus our attention from numeric growth to the Gospel discipleship of our community. The whole process has led me to reflect on the God-given vision of the Church as “living stones” in 1 Peter 2:4-6.
4 As you come to him, a living stone rejected by men but in the sight of God chosen and precious, 5 you yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. 6 For it stands in Scripture: “Behold, I am laying in Zion a stone, a cornerstone chosen and precious, and whoever believes in him will not be put to shame.”
When you start a barbecue with traditional Japanese charcoal, you light the charcoal together in a long pot with a hole in the bottom over a naked flame. It is called a chimney starter. You make sure the charcoal is lit and burns for up to 20 minutes or longer until they are extremely hot, then you stack them in a konro grill and they will burn with wonderful heat for up to 3-5 hours!
This time of online Zoom worship has felt a bit like heating up the charcoal of our core group. The Zoom worship and discipleship has burned away many of our heart idols to find true peace and identity in the Gospel. We have experienced relief, peace and joy in this hard time through the sweet presence of Jesus. We are already looking forward to public worship and ways to reach out to our community with Gospel love and truth. Our living stones at Redeemer Roppongi have been lit and heated up in Gospel truth during this hard season and will now continue to burn with Gospel light to reach Roppongi and surrounding neighborhoods in coming years.
For those of you reading this who are considering church planting, believe me, it is hard work and it will probably take longer than you expect! Patience, spiritual resilience and prayer is required but to see God at work through the process is worth it. Three years ago, after many months of prayer-walking, our community group started in a couple’s living room. We now have a weekly gathering church in this strategic part of Tokyo that once seemed so very, very difficult to reach! God did it! We launched weekly on Easter via Zoom in the midst of a global pandemic. We are now making steps to start worship publicly again in mid-June. The lock-down has been a blessing not just to keep us safe during this global pandemic but to get our minds off of “launching” and simply being followers of Jesus who depend on God for life, identity and provision through the Gospel. As we emerge from our electronic catacomb and continue to proclaim the Gospel in Roppongi in coming months and years, we expect God to grow and strengthen us in the Gospel and lead many to receive life-changing grace both Japanese and foreigner – locals, expats and exiles – all coming together and finding their real identity in the Gospel of Christ.
For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. Romans 1:16
Thanks for praying for and supporting our labor in the Gospel to reach Roppongi. When you are in Tokyo, we would love to have you join us for worship.
About the Author
Christian Zebley has served in Japan as a Presbyterian missionary since 1998. He returned to the States from 2006-14 and served in Los Angeles, California and Montreat, North Carolina. He is happy to be the father of Anna, Emma, Kristina, Isaiah, Abigail and Molly Zebley.