僕の名前はジャステンです。ハワイ出身ですが、12年前に日本の地域教会に仕えるため、宣教師として大阪にやってきました。僕達は2018年11月11日にザ・ゴスペルセンター(G C)を始めました。それ以降の体験はエキサイティングなチャレンジな、また祝福されたものでした。浮き沈みあり、祝福の時も困難な時もありましたが、その中でも確かなことは一つ、それは−僕達の神様はただただ驚くべきお方!神様はいつも礼拝をお受けになり、いつも賛美をお受けになるのです。
2019年は…興味深い年でした。後半6ヶ月に大きなチャレンジの数々が一気にやってきました。教会内での争いがありました。次に、継続して飲むべきではない、強力なステロイド剤を僕が3年以上も飲み続けていたことを、新しく僕の主治医となったアレルギー専門医が気付きました。その薬の量を少しずつ減量させていく過程で、しばしば僕の体に変化が起こり全身に大変なじんましんが出るようになりました。僕の義理の母親が食道ガンと診断されました。食道を摘出する手術を受けた後、僕達のところに住むこととなりました。今や家族7人が3L D Kの家に一緒に住んでいます。僕達の4人娘(年齢7, 5, 3, 1)のうちの二番目の娘がペルテス病と診断されました。幼少期に起こる、とても稀な骨の病気です。彼女は今後の数年間は足の装具や車椅子を必要とし、彼女だけで歩いたり、走ったり、飛び跳ねたり、遊ぶことが出来ません。言うまでもなく、僕達の生活が劇的に変化した年でした。
僕自身にとって、家族やG Cにとっても、とても大きな祝福となっている人々というのは、City to City Asia Pacificを通して関係を深めている人達です。教会開拓コーチから始まり、僕の説教のコーチやネットワークの中の牧師達、台湾における教会開拓と説教の特訓の時に友達になった人々に至るまでみんなです。この素晴らしいネットワークにとても感謝しています。僕達はとっても素晴らしい人々から本当に愛され、サポートしてもらっているんだと感じています。祈りで覆われ、労りや気にかけてくれているメッセージを個人的に受け、贈り物や経済的な支援を受け、同じように日々奮闘している人々との友達関係を持てること、このようなことは僕達にとって本当に大きな励ましです。
僕はCity to City Asia Pacific とCity to City Japanに全てのことについて、本当に感謝しています。神様の祝福がありますように。アロハ、ルセロ ジャステン
“Your grace is sufficient for me.” “Your mercies are new every morning.” “Great is your faithfulness oh God.” “I know you love me—I know you love my family—I know you love our church—I know you love Japan.” These are the words that I say every morning to recalibrate my heart to face the day.
“Through all the ups and downs, times of blessing and times of suffering, one thing is certain: Our God is simply amazing! He is always to be worshipped and always to be praised.
My name is Justin, I’m originally from Hawaii but came to Osaka twelve years ago as a missionary to serve at a local church. Last year we launched 'The Gospel Center' (GC) and it has been an exciting, challenging, and blessed experience. Through all the ups and downs, times of blessing and times of suffering, one thing is certain: Our God is simply amazing! He is always to be worshipped and always to be praised.
2019 has been…interesting. The biggest challenges all came within the last 6 months. Internal strife. My new allergy doctor discovered that I had been taking a very strong steroid for 3 years too long and started weening me off of it and my whole body would often break out in hives because of the change. My mother-in-law was diagnosed with esophageal cancer, had surgery to remove her esophagus and is now living with us in our three-bedroom apartment - so now there’s seven of us living together. My second of four daughters (ages 7, 5, 3, 1) was diagnosed with Perthes Disease, a rare childhood bone disease. Which means that she’ll need to be in a leg brace/wheelchair for the next couple of years, and can’t walk, run, jump, or play on her own. Needless to say, our lives have changed dramatically this year.
This year was very emotionally and physically taxing. But with the more recent things of an older woman recovering from surgery and a physically disabled daughter in the house, everything changes.
My wife, Tomoko is a nurse at Yodogawa Christian Hospital in the chemotherapy department. I work full time for the church and have two part-time English teaching jobs to supplement income. Our kids go to day care, so you can imagine the craziness every morning and evening! Household chores are taken care of by the 3 adults. Personally, I do most of the shopping cooking/dishwashing, and taking out the trash. Mom does the laundry, while my wife does everything else.
Life is busy, even after cutting out all the unnecessary stuff. That’s exactly why we need to really manage time and energy well. Scheduling times to rest and play, to be with the family, and having good habits of spiritual discipline are vital. Our season of life demands that we dig deep into our relationship with God or we will break.
Some of the people that have been a huge blessing to both myself, my family, and GC have been the relationships developed through City to City Asia Pacific. All the way from church planting coaches, to my preaching coach, pastors in the network, and friends made in Taipei during the church planting and preaching intensives. I am very thankful for this wonderful network. We feel so loved and supported by many amazing people. To be covered in prayer, receiving personal messages of care and concern, gifts, financial support, and just having friendships with those who are also in the daily grind is very encouraging for us. I hope to be that kind person and our church to be that kind of church as well.
Before I end this, I also need to share what makes it all worth it: We had 2 baptisms this year! I know that in many parts of the world 2 baptisms in one year is a bad year, but not here in Japan. We celebrate every single person that has come from spiritual death to being spiritually alive in Christ! The first one was in April, a young woman who turned from selling her body to putting her faith in the one who had His body broken for her. The other just a couple of weeks ago, a woman in her late 80’s who is the daughter of the biggest and most famous Buddhist temple in Osaka has come to faith in the one true God, the Creator and Savior of us all. Our members are going through Gospel Renewal and getting on fire for the mission. We went back to the basics: disciple making and equipping the saints, and we are trusting in God for the harvest!
Will you pray for us as we reach Osaka for Jesus? Please pray for our outreach at Kansai University, our English Clubs, and elderly-home ministry to be fruitful. That our members will keep growing in the faith and loving God and each other. Please pray for God to give us a monthly rental space and necessary provision. Please pray for me and my family as we navigate through this season of change and challenges, that we would be able to take with gratitude the training God is putting us through.
I am very thankful for City to City Asia Pacific and City to City Japan for everything! May God bless you all. Aloha, Justin Lucero