その原因の一つとなったのは、子どもたちに神様のことを伝えるために具体的にどうしたらいいのかがわからなかったことです。多くの家庭と同じように、子どもたちに「正しい」スポーツチームを応援するように教えるのは難しくありませんでした。可愛い子ども用のユニフォームを着せ、試合に一緒に行き、シーズンを通して応援すれば自然とファンになります。けれども私たちが最大の情熱を持っているイエス・キリストのことはどのように伝えていけばいいのでしょう? 厳しさや律法主義ではなく、恵みによる福音を中心とした信仰のリズムを、どのようにしたら家族の中で築き上げていけるのでしょう?
1. 一緒に聖書を読む
2. 一緒に祈る
私たちの神 王よ、あなたをあがめます。
3. カテキズム(教理問答)
京都マスタードシードクリスチャン教会の牧師。セスと妻メーガンは2010年から日本に在住。名古屋の後、6年間大阪に住み2017年に京都へ引っ越してきました。アメリカ、カンザス州出身。2009年にOZARK CHRISTIAN COLLEGE(キリスト教大学)を卒業。子どもは3人います。
Sharing Good News with your Children
Before our kids were born, my wife and I committed ourselves to the Bible’s instructions to raise our kids in the“discipline and instruction of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:4). We wanted to obey God’s word by teaching his commands diligently to our children, talking of them at home and when we are out, morning and night (Deuteronomy 6:7). But after our first child was born, and later our second and third children, we struggled to find sustainable and effective ways to incorporate our love for God into the daily rhythms of our family.
We were hindered, in part, by a lack of seeing what this could look like practically. Like most people, we knew how to teach our kids to cheer for the “right” sports team—you dress them in a cute baby jersey, you take them to a game, you follow the season together, just like our parents did with us! But what about how to pass along our greatest passion: Jesus Christ? How do we build family rhythms of faith that are centered on the gospel of grace, not rigid or legalistic?
Many Christian parents I have meet also have similar questions. They themselves often did not grow up in Christian families but are the first believers in the history of their family. Even if they did grow up in a Christian home, they still might not have a good vision of what a Christian family can be. My wife and I have experimented with ways to incorporate faith in our daily family rhythms. We have had both failures and found some practices that work well for our family. I want to offer three practical ideas of ways to center daily family rhythms around the good news of Jesus Christ.
1. Reading the Bible Together
Each day we read the Bible together out loud as a family. Usually I or my wife will read, or occasionally our oldest son. We have made it our practice to read at breakfast. This works for us because everyone seems to listen best when they are eating, but any time of the day could work. The important point is to create a habit. Then if I’m rushing to get out the door for work and we haven’t read yet, one of my kids will say, “Hey, we haven’t read the Bible yet!”
We read just a little bit—one paragraph from the Gospels or Acts, working our way through books little by little over the weeks. As we read I pause to explain a little so my kids understand what is happening in the story. But I don’t preach a sermon! I let them lead the explanation with the questions that they naturally have—their simple, wonderful and childlike questions! Sometimes their questions helps me gain new insights from God’s Word that I missed in my own reading!
I try to keep my expectations for their attentiveness low so that I do not become frustrated. Often we have to pause after every sentence (or after every word) because someone needs more toast or has to use the bathroom. But that’s ok! It’s possible to enjoy the chaos. I can’t imagine Jesus scolding children for becoming restless during his teaching!
If you have older kids consider taking turns reading, let someone else pick the next book in the Bible to read, or make a poster on the wall that records thoughts and discoveries you make in God’s word as a family. Because our kids are young, we also read through a children’s Bible with them at night. I recommend the Jesus Storybook Bible. But a kids Bible is not enough; read the actual Bible together.
2. Pray Together
As a family we have always had a habit of praying together before meals and at bedtime. I observed that the words we use in routine prayers tend to be the same each day. I felt that if I am going to use similar
words why not think through the words I’m using. I wanted to write prayers that utilize Biblical words and phrases to express daily requests to God and remind us of his truth.
At first I had to look at the written prayer each time we prayed. But over we memorized these prayers. We still pray freely in our own words, pray about current events in our lives and encourage our kids to pray freely. But most days we find ourselves enjoying these Biblically composed prayers. When a friend comes over for dinner my kids are even begging us, “Pray the family prayer so our friend can hear it!” Here are examples of what we use:
Our Father,
This is the day that You have made, we will rejoice and be glad in it. (Ps 118:24)
Everyday we will bless you and praise your name forever and ever. (Ps 145:2)
Your joy comes with the morning (Ps 30:5); your mercies are new everyday; great is your faithfulness. (Lam 3:23)
Thank you for giving us today our daily bread. (My 6:11)
Today, may Your Word be a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. (Ps 119:105)
May the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts be pleasing to you, O LORD our Rock and Redeemer. (Ps 19:14)
YHWH is your keeper
YHWH is your shade on your right hand
YHWH will keep you from all evil, He will keep your life
YHWH will keep your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forever more. (Ps 121:5-8)
In Jesus’ name, Amen.
We bless you, O Lord, our God and King (Ps 145:1)
You bring forth bread from the earth and wine to gladden our hearts (Ps 104:14)
You gave us the True Bread from Heaven, Jesus Christ, that our souls may never hunger or thirst (John 6:32, 35)
You are gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love
You are good to all and your mercy is over all that you have made (Ps 145:8-9)
As we eat together now, may we love one another, serve one another, build up one another, and forgive one another as you in Christ have forgiven us. (Jn 13:34, 1 Pt 4:10, Heb10:25,
We thank you, our God, and praise your glorious name. (1 Chron 29:13)
In Jesus’ name, Amen.
We bless you, from everlasting to everlasting you are God (Ps 90:2)
Thank you for the gift of today: in the happy and hard times you have been faithful; you are always with us Father, forgive my children, even as they did not what they knew (Lk 23:34)
Father, forgive us as parents. Thank you for Jesus!
You are our Good Shepherd, we shall not want (Jn 10 & Ps 23)
You make us lie down in green pastures
You lead us beside quiet waters
You restore our soul
In peace we will both lie down and sleep for you alone, O Lord, make us dwell in safety—you who keep us will neither slumber nor sleep (Ps 4:8 & Ps 121:4)
YHWH bless you and keep youYHWH make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you YHWH lift up his face upon you and give you peace (Num 6:24-26) In Jesus’ name, Amen.
3. Catechism
I grew up in a Christian family but our family never practiced catechism. I don’t think I even knew what a catechism was until college. First my wife started teaching our kids to memorize the Bible and questions from the New City Catechism. I was amazed at how quickly our kids memorized these important truths about God, and at how they could repeat the answers when such topics came up in everyday conversation.
Timothy Keller, one of the developers of the New City Catechism wrote: “The practice of catechesis takes the truth deep into our hearts, so we find ourselves thinking in biblical categories as soon as we can reason.” That is absolutely true and I’ve seen it first hand in my home. My kids still ask amazing and sometimes bizarre theology questions (such as “Daddy, why.......”). But now they have memorized Biblical answers to most of their questions already.
After reading the Bible at breakfast we ask each kid a few review questions that we know they will know the answers to. This helps them build confidence and enjoy it. Kids love to show you how smart they are! Then we work on a new questions for a week or two, until most people have it memorized. Our kids often insist on quizzing us and I am usually humbled because they can memorize much faster and more accurately than I can!
Each family needs to find rhythms that fit your family culture and schedule. But ultimately, we need to remember God’s grace. Each of these practices is an opportunity to practice and implement gospel-based grace not legalism. Some days we don’t have time to do catechism. Sometimes an argument breaks out over who gets to pray. Some mornings everyone has a hard time paying attention to the Bible reading. But in these times we talk about and remember how these actions are no more what makes us children of God than eating together is what makes us a family. God has adopted us as his children by grace not because we practice certain disciplines. So we have grace with one another and we remember God’s grace for us. We remember that at the beginning and the end of each day, no matter what happens, we are loved by God and we belong to his family.
About the Author
Seth Philip
Seth serves as the pastor of Mustard Seed Christian Church (established 2017) in Kyoto, Japan. Seth and his wife Megan have lived in Japan since 2010, first in Nagoya, then for 6 years in Osaka, and now in Kyoto. Seth is from Kansas and graduated from Ozark Christian College. Seth and Megan have three children.